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  Glass powder - homogeneous  mass, white (gray or other color), approximately similar to flour, which is made by prolonged grinding of glass with the addition of auxiliary components. The main skill of our Private Enterprise "PROMSYSTEMS" -  This is the production of electrovacuum glass powders, which are widely used in the electronics industry, we can produce Borosilicate, Soda-lime, Low or High temperature sealing glass powder. Areas of use:

  • Glass spy with various types of metals for instrument cases;

  • The need for increased isolation of products from external, aggressive environmental factors.

  • As a connecting substance;

  • As any kind of filler;

  • Modifiable additive;

Glass frits, glass powder, sealing glass, glass frit

Recommendation: The firing oven must be equipped with ventilation in order to extract the flue gases.

  • The minimum order for one batch is from 100-150kg, depending on the marking;

  • Frits should be stored in tightly closed containers in dry ventilated areas. In the absence of an aggressive environment and high humidity;

  • The warranty period is established one year from the date of dispatch of the products to the consumer enterprise, provided that the frit complies with the storage conditions;

Check with our specialists for all the details about the order and the required parameters of the frit.


Private Enterprise "PROMSYSTEMS"
Derevyana st., 7/6A, Kostopil, Rivne state, Ukraine, 35000


©2003-2024 by PROMSYSTEMS

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